Sunday Funday

Give yourself a Sunday evening reminder that you can handle anything the new week will throw at you.

  • Its been said that Sundays are for slowing down and self-care. Well, I think one of the best forms of self care is setting yourself up for a successful new week before it starts.

  • My Sunday Checklist allows you to keep a handy list of the basics that will get you ready for a new week.

  • Let’s break the list down here:

    • Clean out bags for the week: This can mean your work bag, the kids’ backpacks, the car activity bag, or any other bag that carries you through the week. Clean out the old wrappers, receipts or old snacks so that it’s fresh and ready to hold a whole new week!

    • Clean out the car: Some of you may live in your car between kids’ activities and work events. Take the time to clean it out to help you decrease the overwhelm of rushing from place to place. And who knows, you may find that one thing the kids are complaining about missing!

    • Fill up car with gas: Nothing worse than running late on a Monday morning to start the car and see you are nearing that dreaded ‘E’. Do yourself a favor and fill up the car so you can focus on other things in the Monday morning rush.

    • Laundry: Bite the bullet and work on getting all caught up. This will save you time from having to search for clothing items for you or the kids throughout the week and allow room for the next week’s laundry to build, as it naturally does, without getting backed up. Find small pockets of time to do this throughout the day and, of course, enlist help!

    • Look at the calendar, make a plan for the week: Scan the week’s events so that you can have the best plan possible to tackle what you have going on. This will allow you to plan for carpools, dinner times, and how you may have to divide and conquer to fit it all in.

    • Meal plan & grocery pick up: This is probably the most important. Without planning your meals ahead of a busy week, the chances of you ending up in a drive-thru are very likely. These quick pick ups can easily add up, putting a nice little dent in the bank account. Save time and money by making the meal plan ahead and have all ingredients necessary to knock out something gourmet or a quick throw together meal that can be reheated for multiple dinner times in a busy household.

  • Download my printable Sunday Checklist here to set your new week up for success!


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